The Adventure in October
The month of October has brought
about new adventures and new opportunities. Having recovered, for the most
part, from my appendectomy, I was able to play soccer with our intramural
soccer team "Pharmers Only." I also was accepted to the Volunteer
Research Program with the Department of Anesthesiology, an opportunity about which I am extremely exhilarated. I am continuing to work with scheduling in
order to begin in November and am looking forward to it and can't wait to have that experience to write about. I am particularly excited to see how my knowledge gained through the Pharmacology classes with affect and enrich my research experience and how the research will enhance my pharmacological understanding.
On the non-academic side of life, I am continuing to go out and
experience what New Orleans has to offer. Recently I was privileged
to attend an organ and opera concert hosted by St. Patrick’s Church. It was free to the public,
which I thought was absolutely wonderful. Most operas and other events of the sort are very
expensive and such that only those that are well-endowed monetarily can attend. Having this opportunity available to the impecunious is truly
beautiful. It is amazing to have opportunities like this available to all.
I find that this experience brings forth the importance of churches and charity in many aspects. Although I am reaping
the benefits in the realm of the arts, this also gives me an opportunity to
reflect on the profound influence churches and other non-profit organizations
can have in many fields, such as education and medicine. Elegant beauty in
music, a good education, and good medical care: these are not things that
should be limited to those in the upper echelons of economic society.
(2 hrs community service)
(2 hrs community service)